
Showing posts from June, 2018

How Pre-Packaged Foods Can Harm Your Health

Pre-packaged foods are commonplace now. They make our lives easier by freeing up our time and making food preparation a breeze. Most people don’t know that these packaged meals are highly unhealthy for our bodies in the long run. This article presents you with some negative side effects that our bodies face when we consume pre-packaged foods. This blog provides valuable information about How Pre-Packaged Foods Can Harm Your Health .

Easy Ways to Train Your Brain to Enjoy Healthy Food

Acquiring healthy eating habits is not an easy task, especially when you’re addicted to junk food. It requires a lot of discipline and training your mind to adopt the habit. Healthy weight loss can only happen when our brain starts loving healthy food. This blog presents you Easy Ways to Train Your Brain to Enjoy Healthy Food .

Does Calorie Restriction Make You a Fat-Burning or Fat-Storing Machine?

You may have heard the term ‘caloric deficit’ while searching for information on how to lose weight. The term ‘caloric deficit’ is often misunderstood as skipping meals or starving. In order to achieve a quick weight loss result, many people skip meals and starve themselves. Initially, you’ll lose some weight. However, starving for a prolonged period of time will result in fat storage, instead of weight loss. Skipping meals or starving to lose weight is extremely unhealthy. This blog explains whether or not calorie restriction makes you a fat-burning or fat-storing machine .